The story of Frax (Frédérique + Max) begins in the summer of 2008, after taking high school physics together. That summer Frédérique took an exchange trip to Spain, leaving Max at his summer internship, looking forward to emails at lunch and the occasional post card. A dinner party at a friend's house after Frédérique's return kickstarted plans for their first date: going to see Wall-E in theaters and eating ice cream at Ben and Jerry's afterwards.

Further dates included dining out in Boston and Cambridge. They talked about how they wished they were older, could live in the city, and eat through it together. "It was the best summer ever," Frédérique told their calculus class the first day of Senior year. During college, Frédérique and Max were separated by 400 miles and paused by winter of 2010. Coincidentally, after graduating, Frédérique and Max both returned to Boston for a work opportunity and graduate school, respectively.

Knowing they would both be back in Boston, they started to get back in touch. This time, in the summer of 2013, it was Max who would leave, when he embarked on a bike camping trip to Burlington, VT. Nevertheless, they sent each other the occasional update (Max: the latest biking mileage and camping feats; Frédérique: anecdotes from her first weeks in the workforce). After Max returned, a party - including the same aforementioned friend - prompted the two to re-connect. Subsequently, Frédérique and Max helped each other look for apartments in the Cambridge/Somerville area as they pursued their new opportunites. Along the way, a renewed spark was formed.

Within a year, they were again looking at apartments but this time for just one, together. Many pastries, coffees, and world adventures later, Max sent Frédérique on a scavenger hunt [on the coldest day of the year], the final clue leading to their favorite local bakery, where Max proposed. 2017 would be a busy year - eight months after their engagement Frédérique and Max purchased a home in their favorite part of Somerville, eager to continue growing their lives together in a place with boundless energy and a plentiful selection of cafes and ice cream shops.

Frax now lives in their little condo in Davis Square, not far from where their story began.